Crash courses

Crash Courses are introductory lessons in core subjects, that revise basic concepts crucial to successfully complete the Master’s Degree in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability and fill in any gaps in personal knowledge.

The programme includes:

  • 48 hours of General Biology, Zoology and Ecology
  • 32 hours of Mathematics
  • 30 hours of Microeconomics
  • 24 hours of Statistical Methods
  • 16 hours of Geodiversity and Earth Sciences
  • 15 hours of Chemistry

In order to attend the courses, students must Register Online

If in doubt on which crash course to attend, please select “all of them”.

Crash courses will be held online on MS Teams each year starting from the end of August. The timetable and the exact starting date will be available on UNIMIBOX and send via email to all registered students, together with details of online classes.


In order to attend the courses, students need to Register Online.